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A Min With Vin VII

Something near and dear to many of us whom live in Westchester has it’s fate locked in a vote taking place later tonight. Playland Park and its ownership will be voted on by the Westchester County Board of Legislators. Standard Amusements will the the future owners rather than the county if the vote allows it. The cost of renovations was originally $58 million however, a revised agreement now only cost taxpayers $32 million. Many residents of the county are split on their views of the possible takeover. One of the new owners hand picked by County Executive Rob Astorino, former Deputy Mayor of Yonkers Andy Maniglia. Admitted to video taping himself having sex with a woman without her consent. He plead guilty to a misdemeanor count of attempted unlawful surveillance. Not the wisest choice, but let’s see the remaining owners. Jack Falfas appears at face value to be the only one qualified to be given this position. At least he worked previously with Cedar Fair. Nick Singer is the Hedge Fund who seems to be the one pulling the strings in this takeover. The management company has only one employee, Jack Falfas who was released from Cedar Fair in 2010 and hasn’t ran an amusement park since. It’s worth noting his termination was due to his weak financial skills. He was actually being looked at to be the man in charge but was rejected due to his inability to run a business. Playland’s future appears to be in the hands of people who don’t seem suitable for the responsibility. I grew up with Playland and hope to grow old with it. Whether your interested in the fireworks, the Dragon Coaster, or maybe you want to grab some lobster down the path at Seaside Johnnies. If the vote does go through I sincerely hope they take this opportunity seriously and take the time to really try and make Playland the best it can be.

Yo, Larry Wilmore called the most powerful man of the free world, “my n*g**a”. That’s awesome, much respect. Best part is Obama appreciated what he said. This was not a question of racism but rather a statement of the social reconstruction we are long overdue for.

And now, we move to the political side show called, The 2016 Presidential Election. Tomorrow is Indiana’s primary and on both sides of the political coin are eagerly awaiting to see what the results will come out to be. Even though it is mathematically impossible for Cruz to clinch the nomination he already named former GOP candidate Carly Fiorina as his vice president. Cruz is hoping this will surely secure his shot at getting the presidential basketball through the presidential basketball ring. Kasich still remains hopeful the Republican party will name him the nominee at the would be Republican Convention. Until then you can be sure to find him campaigning at some restaurant. On the other side of the political spectrum, senator Bernie Sanders hopes that super delegates begin to rethink their allegiance to Hillary Clinton come the eventual contested convention in July.

Last but not least I just want to thank Habitat for Humanity of Westchester CEO Jim Killoran for taking the time today to give me historic tour of New Rochelle, along with introducing me to a handful of local business owners. Seeing how adamant Jim is at restoring downtown New Rochelle must be contagious as I now feel the need to help and breathe life back into the now unfilled streets and storefronts.

For more info Jim can be reached at:



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