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The Fog Of America

New year, new America. After the exhausting political season, Trump finally took the oath of office and is now our commander in chief. While many are vocal, many more have even taken action. However the fact of the matter remains the same. It's just the way of the road bubs. No matter what the outcome would have been, there would be retaliation. As there should be, no matter what side you choose it's your right to fight for it. Having said that, out of everything that has happened this year and will continue to happen as time goes on. The only thing I can think of is this.

We cannot allow ourselves to become entrenched in other people's delusions. We must think for ourselves and question. Do not wait for someone else to tell you how to feel. Form your own perspective and have it evolve into your own opinion. With every check though, there is a balance. For opinions are not facts and it is get this, possible for you to be wrong. As Edison said regarding his process of inventing the light bulb. "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." The sum of the parts is greater than the whole. So for those who have actually read this. Just remember, who you are.

Be sure to check out my sit down with Andrew Leverton of The Divergent Thinking Podcast and follow the podcast on Soundcloud.

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