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A Min With Vin IX

With Spring around the corner, we should be preparing for Spring cleaning. Or if you were really feeling proactive, it’s already been done. With that said, Spring is often seen as a time for a fresh start, the turning of a new leaf. At least for those of us who have already broken our New Year’s resolutions. As we organize ourselves, we also reflect on our lives. We try and see what it truly important to us. We clear our lives of clutter both physically and mentally. You look through your closet for clothes you can donate to Goodwill. You clean out draws of full chotchkie’s and other miscellaneous items you stowed away over the years. Every so often you come across an item which stops you dead in your tracks. In that moment you reminisce on what it was like during that time. You slowly piece together the memory and the nostalgia attached to it. A swell of emotions come over you as you are transported to a different moment in time. Recently I have found myself reminiscing more frequently than I used to. Often looking back to what seemed like a simpler time. Times like grade school and college. Although those times have come and gone, the stories from them are timeless. I even laugh to myself while remembering some of the funnier stories. I guess the main take away can be best summed up by the Nard dog.

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